Mark Kayler-Thomson. Mellow Rebellion.

Somewhere in-between experience, cultural observation and memory are recurring themes quietly making their way, long distance. Painting in the pursuit of quiet energy. A kind of mellow rebellion — like heavy music in headphones, late evening landscapes, beach breaks and other things that collide.

With each painting, I’m inherently interested in practice and perspective to an end-point that divides a fleeting scene into the pursuit of timelessness, and the immediacy of now. The feeling extracted from an abstract memory, or the immediacy to feel something current, from the story, the figure or just the way a painting resonates at a glimpse and into the hours.

“For Kayler-Thomson, place is not static and objective, it is intrinsic to the living and thinking individual. It persists in memory and imagination despite empirical distance: by occupying his thoughts it transcends all physical limits”.

— From ‘Liquid'. Geelong Art Gallery. Curated by Dr Malcom Bywaters.

Working primarily in oil and ink, lived experiences invite influence, interpretation and context to painting, as does the accumulation of references informed by cultural observation and participation working as a creative director in Melbourne, Australia’s Surfcoast, New York, Los Angeles and the South of France.

Mark holds a Bachelor of Arts and currently resides in Melbourne.